It's the big five-double-O, you guys!
God, that was dumb. And yet I've been planning that dumb joke, and this mocking of it, for days. Nevermind that, I have 500 reviews! Also, coincidentally, 50 art reviews! I wasn't planning that, I just used my last review on art and realized I had 49 art reviews. I might stop being the most dorky and boring person ever now and finish this up. I might take a day off to bask in that round number. Or not, I'll see how I feel. Thanks if you read this!
Woo! Congrats! Now just gotta Google that well-planned joke and see if there's a possible meaning other than the five-o without double one I'm thinking of...
Looking like you're going steady after this too!
TheReviewTrickster (Updated )
No, it's just a really cheesy way of saying 500. Also, thanks.