I adore this style! It's so cool! The piece looks a bit exaggerated but that's part of the Madness charm. The monster Tricky looks particularly badass, I liek the huge teeth you gave him. The composition is also great and I love the detail. I like how evil and hateful the axe Tricky looks. Love those clones hanging off of Sanford as well. Sanford's face is pretty funny, but it fits him perfectly in MC11. Like those little ATPs in the BG there, they're fun. The only part I don't relaly like is Hank. Only one of his arms would be black and it's weird seeing his palm open. I get why you had him relax the fist, it fits the feel, but it looks pretty weird and I feel like Sanford is already the helpless one. Hank needs to be the badass here.
Keep it up, you have heaps of talent!