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I like the style. It's been done before, but what hasn't? I liked the mixed styles, like the burning pages and the dust in the car section. That dust stuff especially looked great ad super smooth. I liked the demon guys too, I'm just not sure what the symbolism is though, I guess I'd have to see the short film to know. The music was fitting and well-timed too, though maybe it could have gone more ominous at the end there. I know it's Kevin MacLeod, but maybe you could have used a different piece. This is fine too, just maybe more ominousness at the end would have been nice.
Overall, looks very cool and stylish, with what seems like interesting symbolism about addiction, watching the Escape video but not doing anything. Maybe. I wish it was abit longer and I had more context (though that part's not really your fault).

olbengc responds:

Thanks so much for taking the time to give me constructive criticism, really appreciate it.
I agree with you on the ending with the music, i originally had to animate it using a different song altogether but cant publish the video with it without the permission of the artist, so i had to find another one that somewhat fit.

I get what you mean about the lack of context, which most of it comes from the film (i worked on it based just on the script, though the director seemed to like it, so i hope it fits well). although i kinda like the idea of it being ambiguous enough so people interpret it however they want.

again, thanks :)

It was indeed fast and smooth, but some of the movements didn't feel that natural, like the second agent moved his feet very weirdly, and there's no way the ATP engineer shot the second guy's face, he simply didn't have his gun pointed that way. Actually yeah, the shot clearly came from off-screen, but we're not shown a sniper or anything. The way he gets up at the end also looks a little weird, probably because of the unusually fast animation. I'm not a fan of the purple agents, the color is too vibrant and just kinda pointless. Unless you make your own sprites, it's best to just stick to the original. The way the engineer fell also looked kinda unnatural and stiff. Blood worked well though. In the future,try not to submit tests to the portal. Tejy can be submitted to your Dumping Grounds and shared through your news posts. To get to Dumping Grounds, go to a page with the old layout and press the button next to your name that is a symbol of an arrow going down into a box.

ADumbLoli responds:

Yea, i did feel that a lot of the movements were too fast due to the 60 fps, again like i said in the description i'll animate the next one in 30 fps, thanks for a lot of the feedback though. I actually have no idea why i made the purple agents, i just felt like doing it out of sheer boredom but i'll use the normal agents in the next one. Some of the movements from the agents and ATP engineer are quite unnatural, but i have a lot of time to improve on that too. Again, thanks for the feedback.

The animation wasn't much, but it kinda fit the style. The background music was pretty fitting, too. I love the sailor moon transformation and the ending is pure brilliance. Just credit the person who made the music, unless you made it.
Good job, that was a funny joke. The animation could be better, but you had to strike while the meme is still hot.

JackSquatJB responds:

Thanks! You're right about striking while it's hot! I made this in a day so the animation was very limited. Also I made the music on the fly too. Any of my work is all me unless otherwise stated ;D

I really liked the style, and the twist was funny. The voice acting was also great and I really like the ending. The character is also really cheesy-looking, I love it. I just wish the dialogue was a bit easier to understand on the character design part, because it took me multiple watches to get it. The details in the background of the ending are really funny though.
Overall a funny joke, I just wish it was a bit easier to understand.

YULFO83 responds:

Thanks for the feedback. I agree, I should have tried a few more takes on that line. glad you enjoyed it overall. thanks again!

I really like the style, and the music was cool too. Just credit the person who made it. I liked the priest guy in the background (is that a Madness grunt or just the way you draw people far away?) and how the graves came up with time. The birds and what seems like tentacle shadows were also cool.
Overall, this had a really cool style, I can't wait to see more from you.

gloomygvrl666 responds:

thanks ^_^ I wanted to have no facial features throughout the animation, there were so many more resources such as knights/inquisitors/townspeople that didn't get used, they all had no faces or no face shown

Someone had sort of a similar concept for the bad dream jam, but this was still very funny. I like the style, and I love the characters, with Cthulhu's scaredness and the demon's derpy and dramatic faces. Cthulhu and a demon were acting like scared teens and then one of them was scared utterly shitless by a banker lol. I love how he just punched Cthulhu into oblivion too. The reveal was funny too, and I liked all the silly monster sound effects, especially the screams at the end. That cutoff at the very end was so dramatic, too. Maybe the ouija part could have been a bit shorter though.
Overall, cool concept and very funny execution. You said you wanna get better at sound effects, but I liked the cheesiness of these ones, so good job!

KloudKat responds:

Thanks a lot! Yeah with the Ouija I was trying to build tension but it didn't quite come out as smooth as I planned. I'm not gonna lie, my favourite part is still that destructive backhand. I wanted more of a whispery, ghostly sound but also wanted to use the really long improv that I made for the basement guy, so ideally I probably would have made my whole life easier if I just used my voice to sound spooky as a base.

I really like the animation style(s). All the different assets are pretty cool and create a fun atmosphere when they come together. Did you make all of them? Anyways, I like the characters, and how they're robbing a bank and then they just decide to help the community by removing the speed bumps. Though I guess they were probably doing it for themselves, but it was a funny exchange when they were being civilized and discussing intelligently how speed bumps are pointless. Just one thing-why did one of them call the other Bruv? Isn't that their last name?
Overall a fun little short with an interesting style.

TheBruvs responds:

Thanks for your thoughts... We make all the assets. The Bruvs thing is that they are brothers, with the surname Bruv and they call each other Bruv.. It's a thing to enforce the title and their brotherly relationship. We have other films up here - and on our website TheBruvs.com - .. we're also doing short sketch comedy podcasts with the same characters .. links are at the website too. Thanks again for all your feedback. Much appreciated.

Pretty cool cinematography and animation. The music was fitting and cool, but the whole thing felt a bit...unsatisfying. Like, who is this weird couch guy? What's the point of him being there? Why isn't he being fed? I did find the monsters pretty cool, as well as couch guy, I just would have liked him to be incorporated more meaningfully. Maybe you could have removed the first shot and had him be the owner of the basement. I really liked that table towards the start with all the stuff. The shot of it in a black void looked really cool because it was so colorful in a cold way.
Overall a near jam entry in terms of style, and has a good atmosphere and setup, but it lacks a punchline of any sort. Even a fade to black or the flick of a light switch or a zoom-out shot of the table would have been better for the ending than a straight-up cut to nothing.
Also, if you didn't make the music, credit the person who did. If that person is you, good job.

jellyeyes responds:

Hey thanks, made it quickly for the Basement Jam competition so the narrative suffered, and music is mine.

I like the song, and the style of the animation is pretty cool. The visual presentation could have been a bit more crazy, but you did design the character to fit the song. I did like him pulling out the baby (though though a five year old doesn't look like that). The animation wasn't very good, and the ending was just awkward, and not in the right way. The mouth and eye animations weren't fluid at all and there was pretty much no other movement so it was not very good-looking or satisfying. The mouth itself looked really awkward. Still, you say you made this a while ago so you've probably gotten better. You just need to put a little more interesting stuff into the visual presentation and a bit more effort into things like that ending.

Stratini responds:

Thanks for the feedback I'll keep that in mind for sure. The reason the ending was long was just because on YT you can leave end card links to other videos but, I didn't even remember to cut it for the NG version.

It's definitely different from the normal madness style, but I like it. The concept is cool and the action is also quite a bit different from normal madness. It's less fluid, but interesting in its own way. It feels kinda like a game because there's distinct action sequences and the attacks feel like quick combos. You had some pretty cool fight choreography and awesome kills with all the gore, slicing and dicing. Seriously, even though it was all melee, it was really brutal and you had some cool stuff in there. The guys who got crushed and chewed up had some of the coolest deaths. The music was cool as well. The fight with the big troll guy was a bit repetitive because the slayer was getting thrown around a lot.
Overall, apretty cool alternative style of madness, but it could be a bit more fluid sometimes and that big guy fight scene could have been a bit more interesting and satisfying. Like if he got a part chopped off. Still though, happy Madness Day!

Ismartal responds:

Thank you very much!
I agree with what you say. I would have liked to make the combats longer and more interesting, but time did not play in my favor. The final troll scene was not included at the beginning but I finished it just before releasing the video.
This type of animation is new for me, I usually do animation drawing frame by frame, I still have a lot to learn, I hope to improving in the following ones.

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