I love you. You can do horror and comedy, and put just as much passion into both. I really liked how your style worked here, because it's always been a bit abstract, and can go both ways with its expressive fluidity and geometric linework. I like the way it parodies dumb cliches all throughout while also being kinda spoopy sometimes. Loved the one-stringed guitar song. The one-liner, dude spazzing out when the arm comes out of the guitar and the skateboard trick were great too. However, I have to say, the sorta random moments where the main character screams very suddenly and quickly aren't very well done, the enunciation is not sufficient, making them a tiny bit hard to understand as well and break the flow, as well as being under the general humor level of the piece. Some of the shots are also a bit unclear, like we're missing a close-up of the strings breaking, the dude who said "You really fucked us now" showing up all contrast-coloured lasts half a second and, as such, is pretty confusing, especially considering his attitude a second before.
Overall a flawed, but enjoyable toon with your distinct signature. Keep it up and keep improving!